celsius energy drinks


celsius energy drinks


Celsius energy drinks is a leading energy drink brand that's been around for over 20 years. They're loved by athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike thanks to their high-quality ingredients and caffeine content, making them the perfect pairing with any workout routine.

celsius energy drinks

Celsius Energy Drinks are a popular brand of energy drinks available in many grocery stores and convenience stores. They come in a variety of flavors, but the most common are Lemon Lime and Mango Passion. These drinks are made with caffeine, sugar and guarana, which gives them a kick while you’re working out or on your way to class.

Celsius Energy Drinks can be found at most gas stations across America, but they are also available online through Amazon Prime for $4 per bottle!


In this post, I will try to explain the differences between Celsius energy drinks and other energy drinks. Celsius Energy Drink is a New Zealand based sports drink company that has been around since 1992. It was started by Peter and Dianne Scott. The premix drink is made from natural ingredients and pure cane sugar. As far as their beverages are concerned, their main focus is on sports performance rather than attaining extreme heights or becoming addicted to the caffeine in their products. They also have different varieties for different purposes such as Celsius Accelerator for short term benefits, which contains an ingredient called Acetyl L-Carnitine which helps with fat burning, or Celsius Endurance for long term benefits which contains a blend of vitamins C, E, B6 and folic acid along with the ingredients Caffeine Anhydrous (50mg) ,Taurine (200mg), L-Theanine (100mg), Carnitine (250mg) , Guarana Extract (75mg), and Ginseng extract (150 mg). They also have an energy drink called Celsius Extreme Energy Drink which is slightly more potent than their Accelerator and Endurance variety with regards to energy content since it contains 400 mg of caffeine per can compared to Accelerator's 70 mg/can, Endurance's 90 mg/can etc..

In terms of what they taste like, Fahrenheit by Fahrenheit Energy Drink has a minty taste although it does contain citric acid according to the packaging however upon tasting it myself I found that there was no aftertaste whatsoever . Fahrenheit Extreme Energy Drink on the other hand has a very noticeable citrus taste like lemonade or orange juice but there are no calories or any kind of sugars present in them whatsoever despite being made from all natural ingredients .

This particular blog post will be discussing only Celsius Accelerator drink.

On opening the can you will find a light mint.
